

My latest work in progress. From Ocean Beach California.
Acrylic on Canvas

Finished the sky, more waves in the middle and right to do,
then sky highlights on ocean etc. Then will finish surfer. Almost
done. This was good to do!!

About half way through.

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INNOCENCE Young Woman...Vine Charcoal & Conte

Hi all,
I've been working with some Vine Charcoal and Conte pencils again. Working on an idea for a painting, and practising my contour drawing skills. There was an certain innocent look I was trying to capture here. I can see she still needs some work, but I've gone far enough for this study. Took about and hour or so. Quick for me. 11x14 sketchpad, Charcoal Conte Pencil.

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Yes, David Bessler has produced more Pipecleaner Dancers even better than the original.
The new ones give you a choice of music, more actions and the "Dancing Me" one is yes, I was waiting for this.....Him dancing away.LOL you gotta love the man.
These are "hard to stop once you start" kind of things. Go have a try!! Great Fun !!! Just click on the following Link: PIPECLEANER DANCE

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